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Making the Best Competitive Strategy of High Tech Industry-An Empirical Study of Mobile Phone Industry


本研究利用階層構造分析法(AHP)進行高科技產業競爭策略之決策分析,選定手機產業進行實證研究。根據高科技產業的特性與產業環境擬定影響台灣手機廠商競爭策略的相關要素,建立階層構造圖。根據文獻回顧,訂出三項方案,各為「成本領導」策略,「差異化」策略,與「集中」策略。評價項目為「資源」、「能力」及「產業環境」。評價項目下的評估準則項目,在資源項目為「實體資產」、「無形資產」、「財務資產」,在能力項目為「製造能力」、「研發能力」與「行銷能力」,而在產業環境為「競爭者」與「顧客需求」。最後,在考量各評價層次的項目之間具有從屬關係下,利用階層構造分析法的內部從屬法與絕對評價法進行決策分析。以德菲法經專家共識研擬出各要素之相關比較,利用Excel軟體及Super decision軟體進行計算驗證,其結果一致,得到台灣手機廠商最適競爭策略為「差異化」。


We explore this research with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method when high tech industry facing multi-criteria decision making issue in conducting competitive strategy decision. This study applies the multi-criteria decision making to determine the importance weights of evaluation criteria and to the rating of 3 competitive strategies which composed with cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. The criteria made through literature study are resource, capability, and industry environment. Moreover, under those three criteria are sub criteria as physical assets, intangible assets, financial assets, manufacturer capability, R&D capability, marketing capability, competitor, and customer needs. The study model approach is demonstrated with a real mobile phone industry case study from expert opinions. Through double checking computation of excel and super decision software, we got a consistent result which guide to the best competitive strategy as differentiation strategy.


