  • 期刊


Sign System of Marathon of International Association of Athletics Federations


為活絡都市運動風氣及帶動運動觀光潮流,全球各大城市如倫敦、紐約、波士頓、芝加哥等皆舉辦國際馬拉松賽。國際田徑總會(簡稱IAAF)為提升馬拉松路跑水準與品質,規定世界各大賽事每年需取得馬拉松路跑賽事標記認證。本文研究目的:分析國際田徑總會賽事申辦程序及選手資格之規定;探討國際田徑總會路線規劃及大會工作規範;歸納國際田徑總會馬拉松賽事媒體行銷與轉播之策略。本文以文獻分析法,透過網站、期刊、各大報紙、路跑賽秩序冊等方法,蒐集相關資料,經閱讀、分析及整理文獻之後,所得結論如下:一、國際田徑總會每年有2 次認證申請,有效期為1年,將賽事區分為馬拉松及半程馬拉松,通過賽事認證分為金標、銀標及銅標3 等級;國際田徑總會將參賽選手區分為「國際菁英組」及一般選手參賽資格;國際田徑總會明訂選手賽事獎勵規約與藥檢規範。二、需經國際田徑總會及國際馬拉松路跑協會 (Association of International Marathons Distance Races, AIMS) 合格丈量員丈量之路線,賽事進行期間實施道路封閉,整段賽程路段必須封閉4 小時,交通管制禁止官方以外車輛進入,並且規劃飲水站及海綿設置。三、賽事須提供完整電子計時,可使用主動式或被動式傳送器,最終成績應公佈於媒體、觀眾及網路,而符合國際田徑總會賽事現場需提供大型螢幕,媒體行銷需備有媒體中心、成績、網路及記者會,比賽大會距離終點100 公尺前放置國際田徑總會看板及路跑標籤商標,能提供涵蓋現場整場賽事的電視轉播,含馬拉松賽事至少要2 小時於國際頻道或全國實況轉播。


馬拉松 交通管制 路線規劃


In order to promote the concept and the tourism of sport, such renowned cities as London, New York, Boston and Chicago hold International Marathon Competitions. International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) requires every competition around the world acquire the qualification of Sign System of Marathon in the purpose of enhancing the quality and fairness. The thesis aims to analyze the applying procedures, qualifications of competitors in every competition of IAAF, collecting the broadcasting and media promotion. Based on literature review, the thesis also collects academic journals, newspapers, competition manuals, and signs of routes on the Internet. Several conclusions are made as follows. First, there are two times to apply for the qualification; one is good for one year in IAAF. Qualifications are gold medal, silver medal, and bronze medal. IAAF divided competitors into "International Elite Competitors" and general competitors. IAAF made of the rules of prizes and medical examinations. Second, IAAF and AIMS measure the length of rotes. Traffic control should be practiced for four hours and only official vehicles are allowed to enter. Water-providing stands and sponge are also needed. Third, electronic timekeepers are needed throughout the competitions. Both active and passive transmissions are also required. Furthermore, "final results" should be declared to media, audience, and the Internet. Advertisements on media, and broadcasting on TV should completely contain all the competitions including two hours of live broadcasting of Marathon competitions in the ruling country.


中 國經濟網,〈強力的傳媒推動國際賽事的現代傳播〉,http://big5.ce.cn/gate/big5/blog.ce.cn/html/32/355332-1498515.html, 2014 年9 月2 日檢索。
中國經濟網,〈廈門馬拉松是如何打造成廈門城市品牌的〉,http://big5.ce.cn/gate/big5/blog.ce.cn/html/32/355332-1498515.html, 2014 年3 月2 日檢索。


