  • 期刊


The Characteristic Analysis of Song-Jiang Battle Array across the Taiwan Strait: Taking "2015 Fujian-Taiwan Folk Cultural Festival of SJBA" as an Example


2015 年廈門翔安閩臺宋江陣民俗文化節在內厝鎮蓮塘村宋江陣民俗文化廣場開幕。在翔安區宋江陣文化研究會的推動下,本次活動邀請到臺灣地區的高雄內門順賢宮宋江陣及臺南大學創意宋江陣,以及閩南地區宋江陣包括廈門翔安趙崗宋江陣、廈門翔安女子宋江陣、漳州沙坂耀德堂宋江九州八卦陣、泉州同安郭山村宋江陣等,臺灣、廈門、漳州、泉州四地共12 支隊伍參加。閩臺地區宋江陣在表演內容呈現上受當地宗教、歷史、地域等因素各自發展其特色,本文就此次閩臺宋江陣民俗文化節中,各宋江陣團隊所見的表演內容形式,依照文獻比對宋江陣的展演特色與表演內容,將其組成特色歸納出五種類型,分別為香科武陣型、團練宋江型、水滸宋江型、領陣角色型及創意宋江型。本文亦從各團隊表演內容中,討論宋江陣的歷史脈絡發展,希望藉由發現宋江陣的組成特色,以解析整體宋江陣特色之結構。閩臺宋江陣民俗文化節的舉辦,進一步推動兩岸無形文化資產的深入交流,可說是在兩岸宋江陣文化交流歷史上翻開嶄新一頁!


2015 Fujian-Taiwan Folk Cultural Festival of Song-Jiang Battle Array (SJAB) opened at the Cultural Square in Lien-Tan Village, Nei-Tsu Township. Under the impetus of the SJBA Cultural Study in Xiang-An District, twelve SJBA teams from Taiwan, Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quangzhou took part in the festival. Due to local religious, historical, geographical and other factors, the SJBAs in Fujian and Taiwan develop their specialties respectively. According to the content of each team's performance, this research categorizes all the teams' performances from the festival into five types, which are based on the literature. They are Xiangke Martial Troupes, Militia Song-Jiang form, Shui-Hu Song-Jiang form, Roll Leading from and Creative Song-Jiang form. In addition, this research also organized each team's performance to discuss the development of Song-Jiang Battle Array. This research hope to analyze the characteristic of the entire Song-Jiang Battle Array's structures through discovery its characteristics composition. Folk Culture Festival of Song-Jiang Battle Array organized and held by Fujian and Taiwan goes a step further to promote the cultural exchange of intangible cultural heritage across the Taiwan Strait. This is a new page on the history of the SJBA development across the Taiwan Strait.


2015 高雄內門宋江陣,〈節慶由來〉,http://www.who-ha.com.tw/page1_1.html, 2015 年11 月13 日檢索。
2015 高雄內門宋江陣,〈歷屆回顧〉,http://www.who-ha.com.tw/2014album01.html, 2015 年10 月27 日檢索。
