  • 期刊


Using Chinese Medicine to Treat Allergic Rhinitis in Children


在台灣,台北與高雄兩大最多人口的都市,統計其過敏疾病發生率,是高居第一名與第二名:台北約為10.2%,高雄約為9.1%,其他縣市則介於7-8%之間。 過敏性鼻炎的發生率,與歐美國家的統計相似,約介於5至20%之間。換言之,每五個孩子中就有一個是鼻子過敏,也因此,過敏性鼻炎是小兒科門診中最常見的慢性病之一。 過敏性鼻炎的情況與輕重程度人人不同,治療與處理的方式也就不盡相同,首先應弄清楚引起鼻子過敏的來龍去脈、如何預防、生活起居上應如何照顧改善、哪些食物與療法對鼻子過敏有幫助、如何自己判斷是鼻子過敏還是其他因素引起。進一步找出最適合自己的治療與保養方式,減輕身體的不適。 過敏性鼻炎疾病在現今的醫學研究中,已有相當的發展與認識,而且不論在疾病的照顧上或是藥物的控制上也都有良好的成效。過敏的研究不斷的進步,過敏的資訊也不停的修正,而且加上療養也不時的推陳出新,但根據臨床經驗發現,以中醫藥的學理,利用辨證論治的方式,可獲得明顯的療效。


過敏性鼻炎 中醫藥


Taiwan's two cities with the largest populations, Taipei and Gaoxiong also have the two highest rates of allergy related illnesses. Taipei is at 10.2%, Gaoxiong 9.1%, while other counties and cities are between 7 and 8%. The percentage of the Taiwan population with allergic rhinitis is similar to that of Europe and America, with numbers between 5 and 20%. In other words one in five children has sinus allergies. Hence allergic rhinitis is one of the most commonly seen ailments in pediatric outpatient clinics. The severity of allergic rhinitis differs from person to person, consequently treatment methods also vary. First of all the causes and effects of the sinus allergies need to be clearly identified so as to know how best to implement preventative measures. Identify what lifestyle changes need to be made so as maintain and improve the patient's health. Learn what foods are beneficial for sinus allergies and how the patient can determine for themselves whether they are suffering from a sinus allergy or something else. Going one step further is for the patient to find the treatment and health maintenance program that is best suited to them. Within modern medicine allergic rhinitis is fairly well researched and understood. Moreover, whether in terms of health maintenance or keeping symptoms in check with drugs, modern medicine has shown some good results. Modern research continues to improve, information is continually updated and therapies also improved upon. However according to discoveries made from clinical experience and Chinese medical theory, making use of the method of identifying patterns to determine treatment will bring about clear results.
