

針灸的優點:有效的替代療法或取代藥物,治療多種疾病及疼痛。針灸治療效果較佳的發炎性疾病,包括:氣喘、鼻炎、發炎性腸道疾病、風濕性關節炎、肱骨外上髁炎、複雜性局部疼痛症候群第一型及血管炎。針灸快速而持久的效果尚未在大型隨機性試驗中發現。本篇將回顧針灸抑制免疫的機轉。其假說是透過降鈣素相關基因(Calcitonin gene)的胜釋放:由神經末梢釋放神經胜、稍後擴張血管和產生抗發炎作用。並討論物質P(Substance P)及止痛的β-腦內腓(β-endorphin)和細胞特有的發炎前驅物與抗發炎的細胞激素腫瘤壞死因子-α(Tumor necrosis factor-α)及介白素-10(interleukin-10)間的平衡。


針灸 發炎 神經胜 細胞激素 一氧化氮


The merits of acupuncture are that is an effective complimentary or substitute therapy, and can treat many types of illnesses as well as pain. Inflammatory diseases for which acupuncture is particularly effective include; asthma, rhinitis, inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, rheumatoid arthritis, external humeral epicondylitis, type 1 complex regional pain syndrome, and vasculitis. The rapid and lasting effects of acupuncture have still not been validated in any large scale randomized tests. This article will look back at what we know about the mechanisms of acupuncture's inhibitory effects on the immune system. Supposedly the mechanism is by way of the release of calcitonin related gene peptide, a neuropeptide released from the nerve endings which causes the dilation of blood vessels and produces an anti-inflammatory effect. We will also discuss the balance between substance P, analgesic β-endorphins and the inflammatory prodrome characteristic of cells along with the anti-inflammatory tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-10.


acupuncture inflammation neuropeptide cytokine nitric oxide

