  • 期刊


Integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine on Malignant Lymphoma: A Case Study


此55歲女性Hodgkin Lymphoma患者,因爲lymphoma反覆發作接受三十二次的化學治療及四個療程的放射治療,之後出現明顯全血象下降及極度倦怠虛弱,病患遂於97/05/17開始在嘉義基督教醫院中醫部求診。本病是屬於中醫“痰核”、“瘰癧”、“惡核”等範疇,其病機爲痰凝化火加上氣血瘀結爲患,就中醫辨證分型而言,其病位在脾肝腎,病機在肝腎虧損、氣陰兩虛、痰凝兼有血瘀,並出現陰虛有熱之證,秦艽鱉甲散可滋陰清熱,軟堅散結故作爲本病主方,配合一貫煎來平補肝腎之陰,再以沙參麥冬湯來養陰生津清熱。整體而言,惡性淋巴瘤治療原則是以病理分期爲治療依據,施以化療或放射化學治療結合等爲主要治療,再以中藥來減輕化療、放療的毒副作用,保護骨髓,提高血象及生存率。由本病例可以看出:惡性淋巴瘤在放射線及化學治療後,以中醫藥來協同治療能夠成功地控制及治療惡性淋巴瘤,明顯降低放射線治療的損傷性副作用,並提昇化學治療所造成的全血象及免疫力下降,進一步減少惡性淋巴瘤的復發,使得此惡性淋巴瘤的病患在接受中西醫合併治療一年後,隨訪追蹤未再復發,因此大大地提高惡性淋巴瘤患者的生存率及生活品質。


A 55-year-old female suffered from Hodgkin's Lymphoma has received 32 sessions of chemotherapy and 4 sessions of radiotherapy. She then shows prominent decrease of total blood count, extreme fatigue and lassitude. She started to receive traditional Chinese medicine treatment on May 17(superscript th) 2008. Hodgkin's lymphoma falls into the area of scrofula, phlegm nodule, or tuberculosis of lymph node in TCM, and the mechanism is phlegm obstruction transforming into fire with stagnation of qi and blood, deficiency of liver and kidney and deficiency of both qi and yin. Therefore, QinJiaoBieJiaoTang can be the chief formula to combine with YiGuanJian for nourish liver and kidney yin. Then we use ShaShenMaiDongTang to nourish yin clear heat and generate fluid. In general, the treatment principle of Hodgkin's lymphoma is to use TCM as support therapy during chemotherapy or radiotherapy to decrease the side effects, protect bone marrow, increase blood count and survival rate. We can see from this case study that TCM treatment can compliment the allopathic treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma by decrease the side effects, increase blood count and boost immunity to further limit the recurrence of malignant lymphoma. When we follow up with the patient after one year, there is no recurrence.
