  • 期刊


Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment on Facial Palsy: Case Studies




Facial palsy is often caused by invasion of wind into hand and foot Yangming meridians that results in wind, phlegm and stasis flow inside meridians causing blockage. The three cases have been improved after acupuncture and herbal treatment with food caution such as banning deep fried and spicy food. Facial palsy is a syndrome with deficient on the inside and excess on the outside. When performing treatment, it is to focus on the blood level because when circulation can flow freely, the wind cannot cause any blockage. The treatment also focuses on adjusting qi of Yangming and Shaoyang meridians to facilitate the repair of nerves. Facial palsy has rapid onset and will have better result when receiving treatment at early stage. If treatment is not performed for the first 6 months, it might progress to permanent facial palsy. It is quite ideal to utilize both acupuncture and herbal treatment.


facial palsy facial drooping
