  • 期刊


Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies for Particular Ethnic Group, Using Taiwan Indigenous TV


近幾年,整合行銷傳播的概念已被多方運用在國內媒體的行銷策略上,然而國內針對特定族群為服務對象的頻道之相關研究卻仍然相當缺乏。本研究以原住民族電視台為研究對象,進行個案研究,目的為探討特定族群服務頻道的整合行銷策略及其成效,研究成果可做為其他傳播媒體規劃行銷策略之參考。原住民族電視台是以實踐原住民族傳播權、維護族群自身傳播權益、推動臺灣原住民議題探討而設立,並以詮釋和傳播原住民族群資訊為宗旨的非營利性質電視台。本研究針對原住民族電視台自2014 年起,至轉由原文會獨立營運後,在整合行銷方面之個案分析,透過文獻蒐集、深度訪談法及實地觀察等資料搜集方法,探討原住民族電視台如何運用內部資源,進行多元溝通管道,並推廣創新產品開發及相輔相成的異業合作,以增加頻道曝光率和擴展觸及的目標族群。原住民族電視台運用整合行銷傳播策略,如廣告、促銷、人員銷售、直接行銷、公共關係等策略,以達到促進臺灣原住民事務為大眾之關注目標,亦是本研究探討重點。


Nowadays, the concept of Integrated Marketing Communications has been utilized by media corporations to increase their revenue and broaden the base of their target audience. Recent studies mainly focus on the business diversification and business strategies of commercial media; however, there are very limited research to emphasis on ethnic minority media. In Taiwan, Taiwan Indigenous TV (TITV) is a non-profit ethnic minority media, and its primary target audience has always been the indigenous people in Taiwan. However, in order to survive in today's market, it is critical for TITV to broaden the base of their TA to general public. This research utilized in-deep interviews to gather information from TITV administrator to find out how TITV implementing IMC strategies and upgrading their competitiveness. The results of this research can be used for other ethnic minority media as a reference to setup their IMC strategies.


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