  • 期刊


Applying IPA Model to Analyze the Service Strategy of Non-Profit Organizations


本文旨在探索非營利組織的策略目標與實際績效之間的差異,有鑒於國內以往較缺乏以此類型組織成員為調查對象的研究,因此本文將透過對文獻的重新檢視,藉由「重要度-表現度分析」(Importance performance analysis, IPA)模式來了解,非營利組織成員對自身經營要素指標(重要度與表現度)的感知強弱及落差,用以做為擬訂服務策略及修訂方針的參考依據。研究樣本是以教育部辦理台灣地區文教類型之非營利組織(基金會、學會、協會等)年會參與者為對象,進行便利抽樣調查,回收有效問卷為102份,並以SPSS 22統計軟體針對59個題項(經營要素),進行IPA四象限散布狀態的分析。研究結果發現,第三象限:低順位區(低重要度,低表現度),以及第一象限:繼續保持區(高重要度,高表現度),兩者分布所佔的數量比例最高。然而值得注意的是在第二象限:加強改善區(高重要度,低表現度),包括:「組織成員的企圖心」、「組織成員對個案輔導的成效」、「對個案進行知識管理系統的建置」、「訊息正確傳達到第一線的效率」等四項要素指標,都是顧客相當重視的服務屬性,但在現行組織的績效表現上卻相對欠佳,亟待改善的重點項目。另外,第四象限:供給過度區(低重要度,高表現度),包括:「組織結構的彈性」、「合作機構的配合度」以及「合作機構提供本會顧客的服務成效」、「利害關係人對本會的滿意度」等,則隱含著組織在人力與任務配置的比例失衡,以及資源運用效率有待加強,或潛藏著成員過度自信與輕忽重要指標等問題,爰提具體建議,供非營利組織營運參考之依據。


The purpose of this paper is to explore the differences between the NPO's strategic objectives and actual performance. In view of the lack of research on this type of organizational members in China in the past, this article will review the literature through " -Importance performance analysis (IPA) model to understand the perception and weakness of NPOs' perceptions of their own business performance indicators (importance and performance) as a guideline for formulating service strategies and giving back to the revision Reference. The sample of this study based on the sample survey conducted by the Ministry of Education for the annual participants of non-profit organizations (foundations, societies, associations, etc.) of culture and education in Taiwan. 102 valid questionnaires were collected and the SPSS 22 statistical software IPA four-quadrant distribution status analysis of 59 items (business elements). The results showed that the third quadrant: Low priority (low importance, low representation), and the first quadrant (keep up the good work) continues to maintain the region (high importance, high degree of representation). However, more noteworthy is the second quadrant: (Concentrate here) Enhancing areas of improvement (high importance, low representation), this area represents the need for nonprofit organizations to improve their service quality with great care, including: " The motivation of the members of the organization, the effectiveness of the members in the case counseling, the establishment of a knowledge management system for cases, and the efficiency of the message correctly to the frontline, all of which are customers However, the performance of the current organization is a relatively poor and urgent improvement of key projects. In addition, the fourth quadrant: (Possible overkill) over-supply area (low importance, high degree of representation), including: "the flexibility of the organizational structure", "the cooperation of cooperative institutions" and "cooperation agencies to provide our customers the service effectiveness "And" stakeholders 'satisfaction with our society "imply an imbalance in the ratio of manpower and tasks to the organization, as well as the need to enhance the efficiency of the use of resources or undermine the members' overconfidence and neglect of important indicators. This study According to the research results, we put forward the above specific suggestions to provide a reference for the non-profit organizations to operate.


