  • 期刊


A Discourse on Research Attitude and Researcher Reflexivity of Novice Phenomenological Researchers in the Grief and Bereavement Field




This article aims to enhance the quality of studies on grief and bereavement in Taiwan, with an emphasis on research attitude and researcher reflexivity for novice researchers. Based on the author's observation, there is a gap between perceptions of the bereaved and the researcher after practical interactions. Besides, when peer-reviewing manuscripts, differences could be found in researchers' understanding and practice in a phenomenological approach to research. Additionally, for near two decades, there have been only 26 articles on grief and bereavement published by peer-reviewed journals in the counseling field in Taiwan. All these facts lead me to presenting and discussing crucial concerns in a phenomenological approach to grief and bereavement studies for novice researchers. This article proposes that research attitude of a researcher runs through the whole research process in a phenomenological study. The attitude illuminates when a researcher respects subjectivities of the bereaved, when a researcher empathizes with the grief from the bereaved perspective, and when the two share their subjectivities. Epoché and imaginative variation of phenomenological approach to interview and analysis are comprehensively discussed. A phenomenological interviewer, in an Epoché state of consciousness, creates a relaxing and trustful atmosphere for the bereaved to express his/her experiences freely and for the interviewer to collect comprehensive raw data. Meanwhile, in imaginative variation, which Taiwanese researchers may be unfamiliar with, imagination and intuition out of various aspects and possibilities are practiced, with the researcher reflexivity of how to perform imaginative variation emphasized. The finding of phenomenological research is to be descriptive, instead of being categorical, of the essence of the experience. The article attaches tremendous importance to reflexivity. Namely, researcher reflexivity determines research attitude which further determines research quality. Several mementos in each stage of the research process are suggested at the end of each section of this article.


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