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The Investigation of Training Techniques in Two Types of the Difficult Flair Motion on Floor Exercise of Men's Artistic Gymnastics




The floor exercise of artistic gymnastics is one of the more underdeveloped items in artistic gymnastics for Taiwanese gymnasts. If the gymnast adds the more difficult flair motion into the floor exercise, that can help the gymnast increase self-expressiveness and difficulty scale. Therefore, the aim of this article was to explore the training steps of the motion that is flair with 360 spindle directly to handstand and continue to circle or flair and that is flair hopping with 360° backward through handstand and back to flair (2 hops) via collecting the relevant references assisted by photographs and captions. The training contents related the more difficult flair motion can be divided into: (1) the investigation of the assist training and the protective method; (2) the exploration of the self-implement technical tips; (3) the muscle training method. The explanation for the assist training, the protective method, the self-implement technical tips and the muscle training method in this article can be a kind of knowledge applied in the floor exercise. The knowledge would help the Taiwanese coaches and the gymnasts to have more understanding related training steps and the key skills while they engage in training. Summarily, this article is suitable for consultation for training in the more difficult flair motion.


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