  • 期刊


The Loss and Grief of a Mother Who Gave Birth to Stillborn Twins




死產 哀傷 失落 家庭因應能力


Childbirth is a pleasurable experience for infertile couples, but when the premature labor and birth of stillborn twins occurs, this unexpected event has a severe impact on the pregnant woman and her family. This report shared the nursing care experience of a mother who gave birth to stillborn twins. The mother and her family received nursing care from January 23-26, 2012 during her hospital stay, and took part in a telephone survey after she returned home. The following problems were identified: grief, situational low self-esteem, and readiness for enhanced family processes. This study found that the mother had no obvious physical trauma from the delivery, but that she had developed psychosocial problems due to losing her babie s. These problems included grief, feeling s of guilt, low self-esteem, and thoughts of suicide. In the beginning of the postpartum period, her husband and relatives were afraid to mention the birth, and everyone evaded talking about the babies or the pregnancy. This study encouraged the couple to talk about their perceptions and thoughts with each other, and arranged a meeting for the relatives to discus s how to provide mutual support and face the loss of the babies. This study hoped that this case report could provide a reference for good care methods to improve the care quality when clinical nurses face the birth of stillborn infants.


Stillborn twins Grief Family coping


行政院衛生福利部(2012,6月). loo年死因統計結果分析。取自http://www.doh.goo.tw/CHT2006DisplayStatisticFile.aspx?d=84766&s=l
行政院衛生福利部(2012,7月). lo0年出生通報年報統計表。取自http://www.bhp.doh.goo.tw/BHPNet/Web/HealthTopic/Top icArticle.aspx?id=201207260001&parenti d=201109200006
