  • 期刊


Development and Application of Narrative Nursing in Research, Practice and Education: A Case of Nurse-Patient Communication




Nursing is a discipline which has begun as a clinical practice and been developed into an educational system and then promoted to academic research. Like medicine, nursing has displayed the humanistic nature since the beginning because of caring people as its duty. Humanities not only become the core of nursing education but also the main theme of nursing research. As the medical community had started to reflect on the critique of medicalization and emphasize a patient-centered care and doctor-patient communication, the nursing discipline followed the steps as well. Recently, many western scholars in nursing called for the narrative use in nursing research, practice, and education, establishing a new paradigm. However, what is narrative? What is the difference between the narrative perspectives and the traditional ones if taking nurse-patient communication as an example? What can narrative nursing inform us in nursing research, practice, and education? This paper is aimed to clarify these questions and tries to set up a conceptual framework of narrative nursing.


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