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An Improvement Project to Improve the Accuracy of Nasogastric Tube Care Performed by Home Caregivers in a Surgical Ward




The purpose of this article is to improve the accuracy of nasogastric tube care performed by home caregivers in a surgical ward.During clinical work. If the steps are wrong, it may cause complications such as vomiting and aspiration pneumonia, resulting in repeated hospitalizations, increasing the risk of death, and increasing medical costs and burdening the caregiver.It was found that the nurses spent about 15-25 minutes on nasogastric tube care and guidance, and the number of guidance was about 3-4 times.However, the accuracy rate of home caregivers performing nasogastric tube care is only 71%, which triggers the motivation of the nursing project.The reason for the low accuracy of nasogastric tube care for home caregivers is:change of caregiver but not complete handover,short of learning time,don't have practice opportunities,shortage of auditing system and implementations model.Improvement strategy:Five items including creating an anthropomorphic model for teaching,setting the nasogastric tube care checklist,executive standard,shift change guidelines and quality control index.After the improvement of the project, the accuracy rate of home caregivers performing nasogastric tube care increased to 100%.Knowledgement can increasing to 97%.In addition to reaching the goal of the project,it can also avoid complications and improve the quality of patient safety care.


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