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The Nursing Experience of Using the Case Management Model to Take Care of a Crohn's Disease Patient




This article describes a young man diagnosed with Crohn's disease for the first time. He went through the process of repeatedly seeking medical treatment for the symptoms of the disease. When he entered social work after graduation, he must continue to track the diagnosis of the disease. In addition to the physical symptoms, it affects his daily life. I am worried about the development of bad interpersonal relationships. The author uses a case management model for continuous care. From March 27 to August 13, 2020, the author uses Gordon's eleven functional health assessment models to evaluate the patient. The methods include observation, telephone interviews, physical assessments, review of the medical records for data collection. The author specified the nursing care problems of the patient include diarrhea, emotional coping ability imbalance, and lack of knowledge. The author used the electronic information system to record and check the patient's status during the period. The author performed a total of 10 outpatient clinic interviews and 12 times of telephone interviews. The meeting time is adjusted according to the situation of the case and limits within 30 minutes. The discussion content includes disease education, health education evaluation, follow-up care, disease consultation, and setup of feasible physical and mental care goals, strengthening disease-related guidance, medication precautions, and learning about diseases. Through the process, the patient compliance with treatment improved. Through empathy, the patient changes his negative emotions and learns to adapt to resolve crises, looks at self-affirmation from different perspectives, adopts an optimistic attitude, has good interpersonal relationships. The patient returns to his everyday life and works smoothly. It is recommended that clinics organize relevant case management education programs to improve the quality of care. Active nursing intervention is suggested to assessment and feedback on disease progression, Physician-Patient alliance for health information should combine with hospital resources in order to promote continuous health care.


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