  • 期刊


A Nursing Care Experience of a Patient Who Underwent a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Procedure




This article describes the nursing experience of caring for a patient after coronary artery bypass surgery. The patient has hypertension and diabetes history, to face postoperative wounds pain, and complications this felt anxious. Therefore, led to the motivation for this paper. The nursing period lasted from April 11th to 15th in 2020, applied Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns to collect data through observation, listening, interview, and identified health problems, including ineffective breathing pattern, acute pain, and anxiety. The author created a nursing plan targeted to the patient's health problems. Ineffective breathing pattern: We taught deep breathing, coughing and pulmonary rehabilitation exercise to enhance lung ventilation, reduce pulmonary complications and help successful weaning ventilator; acute pain: The author used non-pharmacological method, distraction and continuous pharmacological method to decrease patient's pain score to 2; anxiety: With our active care and company consisted of informing the patient of the treatment direction, knowledge regarding postoperative care and relaxation techniques were taught, so the patient's anxiety were relieved. However, unable to participate in the preoperative preparation and education, so it's recommended to set up a cardiopulmonary rehabilitation department, to visit patient with the physical therapist and provide an individualized rehabilitation program before surgery, so as to improve quality of life, increase muscle endurance and reduce complications. By sharing this experience, the author hopes it can serve as a reference for clinic staff to provide appropriate care when caring for similar patients in the future.


