  • 期刊


Improving Complete Rate of Good Death at Home for Nursing Staff in Hospice Ward




在宅 善終 護理指導


Under the Chinese culture, the issue of good death at home is highly valued by Taiwanese, but the primary family caregivers of the patient often lack the knowledge and skills required to provide end-of-life care. If complete nursing education can be given first, the primary family caregivers can be more aware of death and the end of life. The main purpose of this project is to improve complete rate of nursing education for the good death at home. The main problems found by the inspection unit are: (a) Lack of guidance materials for good death at home; (b) Lack of standard procedures for good death guidance at home; (c) Family members have unclear concepts about the good death process at home and cannot understand the contents of nursing education. Through the production of diversified health education methods and nursing technology videos related to hospice at home, family members can learn without restriction. Develop standard procedures and checklists for good death at home, so that the medical team can understand the end-of-life wishes of terminal patients, the progress of home care guidance, and the learning effectiveness of the main caregivers. Develop the good death at home flow chart for the family members, so that the family members can understand what they may be facing next and how to deal with it. Borrow a simulator from the objective structured clinical testing center so that family members can practice. Through the above, the good death at home rate was increased from 50% to 96.7%, achieving the purpose of this project.


at home good death nursing education


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