  • 期刊


Passive Repeated Plyometric Training Application in the Explosive Force on Male Volleyball Players


本研究乃以衝擊式訓練理論爲基礎,使用被動反覆衝擊式肌力訓練器爲實驗工具,其目的旨在建構與發展被動反覆衝擊式肌力訓練法在肌力、動力訓練上之理論模式。基於此一目的,本研究擬以國立花蓮教育大學男子排球隊12名選手爲對象,並隨機抽樣分配至實驗組A「2.5 Hz-150 RPM」及實驗組B「控量增速訓練(從30 RPM→60 RPM→90 RPM→120 RPM→150RPM逐漸遞增),實施爲期十週每週三次之訓練,訓練前(後)受試者分別接受垂直跳、立定三次跳遠及反向跳等三種跳躍能力測驗。測驗所得資料,以SPSS for Windows 10.0版之軟體進行各項統計處理與分析後,獲得下列研究發現:一、各組訓練後之跳躍成績,皆比訓練前進步。二、訓練效果最佳的應屬於控量增速組,在三項跳躍運動能力進步最明顯。三、各組間訓練後之效果比較,除了立定三次跳,訓練後明顯進步之外。其餘垂直跳、反向跳(Counter-Movement Jump-CMJ等項,無顯著差異。四、提昇水平動力有效之訓練方式,應以控量增速(從30 RPM→60 RPM→90 RPM→120 RPM→150 RPM逐漸遞增)之訓練方法作爲考量。


This research is based on the theory of plyometric training application. A passive repeated plyometric machine (PRP) was used as experimental tool. The purpose of the study was to establish a theoretical basis for PRP on strength and power. Twelve male volleyball players at National Hualien University of Education were chosen as the subjects of the study. And they were randomly assignment into Group A and Group B. Group A trained at 2.5 Hz-150RPM and Group B trained at load-control increasing speed(from 30RPM→60 RPM→90 RPM→120 RPM→150 RPM increasing progressively). All of the subjects took training three times a week for ten weeks. Three jump abilities including vertical jump, standing long jump and counter movement jump (CMJ) were test at pre and post training. SPSS for Windows 10.0 version was used to process statistics and analyzed of datas. The results are as follows: 1. Both Group A and B had improved on the jump abilities (p<.05) after ten weeks of training. 2. Group B had better improvement on A three jump abilities. 3. Among three jump abilities, there was a significant difference in standing jump, but no change not in vertical jump, or CMJ after ten weeks of training. 4. The method of Load-control increasing speed (30RPM→60RPM→90 RPM→120 RPM→150 RPM) should be adopted for the efficienttraining method to prompt the vertical momentum


