  • 期刊


The Predictive Effect of Self-Talk on Physical Fitness Performance of College Students




Purpose: Self-talk has many benefits for collegiate athletic behavior. Numerous studies have also confirmed that self-talk has a positive effect on sport performance, motivation, and self-confidence. College physical education is one of the important roles to promote the physical activity of college students. Students' physical fitness performance may affect willingness to participate in sports. Therefore, it is very important to help students improve their physical fitness performance from different strategies. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship and predictive effect of self-talk on physical fitness performance of college students. Study participants were selected by purposive sampling. Method: A total of 337 students (166 boys and 171 girls; average age, 18.35 years old) participated in this study. Person correlation and simple linear regression analysis were used to test the relationship and prediction of self-talk on physical fitness performance. Results: The research showed: (1) Instructive self-talk positively predicted the performance of standing long jump and sit-ups. (2) Motivational self-talk has a negative prediction on 800 and 1,600 meters run test. (3) Negative self-talk has a positive prediction on sitting forward bend; it has a negative prediction on sit-ups. (4) Neutral-Reflective self-talk has a positive prediction on sitting forward bend. Conclusion: This study provided preliminary results of self-talk on physical fitness performance. It is recommended that sports educators could provide self-talk as a sports strategy to promote physical fitness and sports performance of students.


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