  • 期刊


Issues of International Jurisdiction Concerning the Act of Human Trafficking


根據聯合國人口署統計,全球各地將近兩億全球移民人口,其中包括920萬名難民,全球移民人口總數占全球人口3%,並且仍然繼續快速增加。在全球化的過程中,人口移動本是自然的現象,但聯合國全球移民委員會公佈的全球移民現況報告指出,估計每年非法移民人口介於250萬至400萬間。由於現代社會逐漸將人口販運認定是現代形式奴隸之一種,再加上國際上消除跨國組織犯罪之意願高漲,於是在進入21 世紀之後將有關人口販運及走私視為「國際犯罪」,從而訂出新的國際規範。然而,由於對國際犯罪用語及定義之分歧,就造成像是毒品交易與國際恐怖活動等行為是否屬國際犯罪,亦即其是否可直接根據國際法,而不須要透過內國刑法之轉換以確立其刑事可罰性,在學界不乏爭議。此外,為避免國際法律秩序紊亂及窒礙難行,並促進國際合作共同打擊犯罪,如何在不違反國際法及干涉他國主權的前提下主張刑事管轄權,成為各國刑事立法及執行時所應考量的要點。因此,本文即從上述兩個觀點,去檢視「人口販運」問題在國際法下之關於管轄權行使之爭議。


According to the statistic provided by United Nations Population Division, there are almost 200 million immigrants including 9.2 million refugees in the world. It counts for 3% world's population and is still increasing. In the process of globalization, it seems to be a natural phenomenon; yet stated by the Global Immigrant Condition Report published by Global Commission on International Migration, it is estimated that the total population of illegal immigrants are between 2.5 million and 4 million annually. In modern society, since human trafficking has gradually been defined as a type of slavery and the international awareness on fighting against transnational crimes, the human trafficking and smuggling has been regarded as an international crime and thereby generates new international rules.However, whether the conducts of human trafficking can be directly defined as international crimes without the enactment in domestic system to ensure their culpability has not yet reached consensus under international law among scholars. Furthermore, for avoiding disorder and possible obstacles when enforcing international law as well as promote international cooperation when dealing with transnational crime, how to claim criminal jurisdiction without violating international and intervening other States' sovereignty becomes the first task for each state to make and enforce relevant criminal laws. Therefore, based on two abovementioned perspectives, this article is aimed at reviewing the related issues of claiming jurisdiction for human trafficking conducts under international law.


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上官涵怡(2014)。探討我國人口販運罪構成要件設計之妥當性 —從國際間防治組織犯罪及我國實務判決之視角觀察〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400472
