  • 期刊


A Look at the Mobility of the Identity of Hong Kong Chinese People from the Multiplicity of Nationality and Passports





As a product of modern society, what do nationality and related passport actually signify for people nowadays? Is it another name for a legal status, an authorized citizenship, or a symbol for national conformity, or a mere tool for travelling convenience? As shown from the transition of using the complicated colonial British passports in pre-1997 period to the British (Overseas) Nationality Passport and PRC SAR Passport after the Handover, the Chinese people in Hong Kong have found themselves torn between an identity crisis of “British Overseas Colonial Citizens” and “Citizens of HKSAR”, thus resulting in a unique multiplicity of nationality and its related passports. Meanwhile, the particular stance of Hong Kong under the paradoxical context of “China” in both sides across the Strait, regardless of before or after 1997, has conjured up an ambiguous identity for its locals in not only the travel documents they hold, but also in the various ways they are named in both PRC and ROC. On the other hand, Hong Kong Chinese residents have gradually formulated for themselves an identity through the process of creating a solidified “Hong Kong Community” in post-war era. Furthermore, Hong Kong has also changed itself from serving as a relief shelter for refugees escaping from Mainland China during and after WWII, to a hometown for thousands of overseas Hong Kong Chinese after experiencing the impact of the “1997 Handover”. This paper is a study of the complicated nature of having multiple nationalities, passports and travel documents for Hong Kong Chinese residents. Such a phenomenon originates from the mixed consequences of the peculiarity of a British colony, the Handover, the status of SAR within PRC and the dissimilar interpretation of “China” in both PRC and ROC. This multiplicity of nationality and related passports has thus been found playing a pivotal role of maintaining the mobility of identity conformity amongst Chinese people in Hong Kong.


文匯報,〈六成港人持有特區護照 拋離BNO〉,《文匯報》,2007 年5 月21 日
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全國人民代表大會,《香港特別行政區基本法》,第七屆全國人民代表大會第三次會議通過,北京,1990 年
全國人民代表大會常務委員會,〈關於《中華人民共和國國籍法》在香港特別行政區實施的幾個問題的解釋〉,中華人民共和國第八屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十九次會議通過,北京,1996 年
