  • 期刊


MANNAMI OSHIE: A Wansei Writer and His Pieces


萬波教(マンナミ オシエ,1918年1月10日-1997年12月1日)畢業於臺北高等學校、臺北帝國大學文政學部,後任職於臺北第二師範學校等。在日治時期作為一位《四季》派抒情詩人活躍於臺灣文壇。在美術成就上,曾入選第一回臺灣總督府美術展覽會,並為多本期刊繪製封面與插圖,是位文學、藝術、教育三棲的文化人。引揚後,持續作為一位師長指導學生進行文藝創作,而後投入公務體制之中,跟隨相葉有流創作俳句。萬波教作為過往少被關注的在臺日人作家,其創作數量以及當時參與團體皆有一定代表性,因此本文欲以萬波教為討論中心,自萬波教的出生為起始,至晚年撰寫俳句獲得「有流賞」為終。以報紙、同人誌、學籍資料、名簿等第一手資料作為研究材料,詳盡梳理萬波教的生平、作品,以及其時代意義。最後,本文不僅作為一篇作家研究,更期望將萬波教置於「在臺日人作家」、「臺灣-日本」引揚文學的脈絡之下。重新補足日治時期臺灣文學史上,少被審視的區塊,並且重新給予萬波教新的歷史定位以及評價。


MANNAMI OSHIE (萬波教, 1918.1.10-1997.12.1) graduated from Taihoku High School and Taihoku Imperial University, and later worked at Taihoku Second Normal School. During the Japanese Colonial period, he was active in Taiwan Literature Field as a lyric poet of "SHIKI (四季)". In terms of artistic achievements, he was selected for the first Taiwan Governor-General's Art Exhibition to paint covers and illustrations for many periodicals. After returning Japan, he continued to guide students in literature and arts, joined the public service system, and followed Aiba Yuryu (相葉有流) to write Haiku(俳句). A Japanese writer in Taiwan receiving little attention in the past, MANNAMI OSHIE was representative because of his creations and participation at that time. This article focuses on the discussion of MANNAMI OSHIE, delineating his life journey from birth to the receiving of "youliu reward (有流賞)" for writing haiku in his later years. This article employs first-hand materials including newspapers, doujinshi(同人誌), student registration materials, and name lists, trying to articulate MANNAMI OSHIE's life and works. Finally, this article also aims to place MANNAMI OSHIE under the context of "Japanese writers in Taiwan" and "Taiwan-Japan" HIKIAGE literature (引揚文學), in hope to make up for the less examined areas in the history of Taiwanese literature during the Japanese colonial period and give MANNAMI OSHIE a new historical evaluation.


十二理甲遠藤太郎、十三理甲鈴木健三、十六文甲田辺俊夫、一七‧九文甲蔵本人司,〈美術部座談會〉,《臺北高等学校 1922年- 1946年》(日本東京:蕉葉會,1980),頁180-182。
