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Association between Hypertension Awareness and Health Behaviors: Gender Disparity


根據研究發現高血壓會增加心血管疾病、糖尿病、中風等疾病的發生率及死亡率,衛生署統計十大死因中高血壓從十名外晉升到99年的第九名,且台灣地區四十歲以上民眾將近有四分之一的人罹患高血壓,雖然普遍卻也是最容易被忽略的疾病,因此對於民眾健康有很大的影響。本研究擬探討宜蘭縣接受健檢的30歲以上罹患高血壓之民眾在不同的性別與健康行為下高血壓自知率分佈的情形。調查對象為參加2010年7月到11月宜蘭縣所提供免費的健康檢查服務之30歲以上民眾,共有4884位,高血壓個案有1626位(33.3%)。本研究採用衛生署國民健康局之血壓分類,高血壓定義為收縮壓≧140 mmHg或舒張壓≧90 mmHg或有服降血壓藥物者。研究之高血壓民眾樣本中,整體高血壓自知率為52.5%,其中男性高血壓自知率為47.6%;女性為57.4%,30-39歲高血壓自知率為各年齡層中最低(9.3%),健康行為中以不抽菸、不喝酒、不嚼檳榔與有運動習慣者其罹患高血壓自知率較高,飲食習慣則是以有每天喝牛奶者及每天至少吃三碟蔬菜及兩個水果者其高血壓自知率較高。本研究顯示宜蘭縣民眾有將近四成的人不知道自己罹患高血壓,瞭解自己的血壓值是發現及控制高血壓的首要步驟,因此未來應針對未知其罹患高血壓者,應有適當方案提升對高血壓的重視,並積極推動宣導教育民眾養成定期量血壓的習慣,以瞭解自己的血壓值狀況。同時且須教導民眾需有良好健康行為之配合,如戒除菸、酒習慣、養成運動與均衡飲食等良好健康行為以達有效預防與控制血壓之目的。


The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between hypertension awareness and health behavior among adult population in a local county. A cross-sectional design was conducted to collect data from adults freely attended a health check-up program in Yilan County, Taiwan. The study instruments included a physician examination chart, biochemical test and an integrated health behavioral questionnaire. We used descriptive and Chi-square tests to exam the relationship between hypertension awareness and health behaviors among the study population. Results showed that 52.5% had been diagnosed as a hypertension, gender difference in women and men (57.4% vs 47.6% ) and awareness were increased by age (1.7% among 30-39 year old; 44.4% among 40-64 years old and 63.8% for those above 65 years old). Positive health behaviors such as people with non-smoking, non-drinking, non-chewing betel nut had higher hypertension awareness than their counterparts. Those adults had positive behaviors such as daily diet of milk, at least three dishes of vegetables and fruits had higher hypertension awareness as well. This study highlights that nearly 40% of adults people reside in Yilan County nearly do not know he had high blood pressure, the health department should take actions to raise hypertension awareness to these people, particularly in people to have negative behaviors such as smoking, alcohol use, and chewing betel nut, and less use of milk and fresh vegetable and fruits.


