  • 期刊


Decoction Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Chronic Nephritis


「湯者,蕩也,其力宏。散者,散也,其力中;丸者,緩也,其力緩。」是敘述粉劑、丸劑和湯劑的作用。惟健保僅給付科學中藥散劑,故使很多後者對湯劑的使用較不熟悉。兼且湯劑需自費,若療效不明確,不能取信於人,患者便會放棄。無法看到整個療程。 文冠自’88年4月10日於中國附設醫院中西醫合作醫療中心首開腎病特別門診,即以湯劑為主,科學中藥為輔。發現用內科腎病系治法,較難取效,幾經修改,將較有效方法,略述於下,就教方家。


As the proverb goes: 「Decoction can rinse out diseases due to its magnificent effect; medicinal powder can loose complexity of diseases due to its medium effect; pill can recuperate the health because its mild effect.」 However, since our national health insurance only afford for the fee of medicinal power of scientific Chinese medicine, few doctors of younger generation are not so familiar about the prescription of decoction. Besides, patients are required to pay the expanse of decoction; they would give up easily if the therapeutic effect of is uncertain and can't enjoy the trust of patients. Hence patients cannot accomplish the whole course of treatment by decoction. I (Dr. Wun-guan Thong) prescribed mainly in the form of decoction and partly in the form of medicinal powder since I pioneered the Nephrology Special Clinic at Sino-western Integrated Medical Center in the Chinese Medical University Hospital since April.10,1999. I discovered that it might be ineffective of traditional Chinese medicine in treating nephrological diseases at the field of internal medicine. I revised my prescription several times and would like to present some of my effective remedies briefly to consult my honorable colleagues in the circle of Chinese medical doctors.

