  • 期刊


Chinese Medicine Consultation for Lung Cancer with Multiple Metastasis Inpatient




肺癌 中醫藥


The 55-year-old female is a case of terminal stage lung cancer complicated with brain, liver, and bone metastases had received 4 cycles chemotherapies, whole-brain radiotherapies, and had a admission history about laparotomy for peptic ulcer perforation. Another chemotherapy and pelvic radiotherapy were performed after this re-admission due to bone metastasis and prominent waist pain. Qi-yin deficiency appeared during the Chinese Medicine consu1tation. The Chinese Medicine pattern-identifications were lung-spleen qi deficiency and stomach-kidney yin deficiency mainly. The formula with Liu-Jun-Zi-Tang plus Shi-Hu, Yu-Zhu, and Nu-Zhen-Zi was prescribed preliminarily to reinforce stomach, spleen, and kidney's yin; Chuan-Qi, Niu-Xi and Che-Qian-Zi, to activate blood circulation, invigorate waist's muscle, and promote diuresis. After the primary therapeutic effect, Shu-Di and He-Shou-Wu were added stepwise to invigorate the liver and kidney for the intergeneration between lung (metal) and kidney (water). The better appetite, more energy, decreased lower leg edema, and easier stool passage occurred after the Chinese Medicine consultation and the Chinese Medicine intervention. Thus, the life quality was improved, and so was the western medicine chemo-radiotherapy compliance.


lung cancer Chinese medicine
