  • 期刊


Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Benign Oral Hemangiolymphangioma Status Post Surgery: A Case Report


本病例為一名四歲男孩,因舌體出現腫瘤而就診,經西醫診斷為舌、咽及左頰之良性血管淋巴管瘤(Hemangiolymphangioma)。因瘤體逐漸增大,而於本院接受intralesional ligation手術'術後因舌體腫脹出血及呼吸困難而接受tracheostomy並住院治療。由於患處腫痛出血且癒合不良,家屬要求會診中醫協助治療。中醫診斷為局部濕瘀熱互結之證,故採清熱涼血、活血利濕之法施治。於中醫協助治療期間,患者疼痛減輕許多,舌體出血明顯改善,舌體腫脹亦逐漸消退。結束中醫治療後,患者經西醫持續治療照護後痊癒出院,陸續回診追蹤,狀況穩定良好。


This case is a four years old boy visited c1inic due to mass on the tongue, was diagnosed as hemangiolymphangioma of tongue, pharynx, and left cheek. Due to the increasing size of tumor, he received the surgery of intralesional ligation. However, for the postoperative bleeding and swelling tongue with breathing difficulty, he received tracheostomy and hospitalization. Because the wound healing was not wel1, his family requested to consult with the Chinese medicine physician. The traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) diagnosis is local combination of blood stasis, dampness, and heat, so we used the principle of c1earing heat, cooling and quickening blood, and disinhibit dampness to treat with. During the period of the TCM treatment, the pain was obviously decreased, the stanching of bleeding wound was improved, and the swelling of the tongue was gradually subsided. After the TCM assistance, the boy continued the western medicine treatment and then discharged. He was followed up regularly and under stable condition.
