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Irregular Menstruation Accompanying By Abnormal Menstrual Blood Volume and Infertility In Obese Female Undergoing Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment: A case report




This case is a 33-year-old female came to Dr. Liao's OPD for Chinese medicine treatment because of menstruation at irregular intervals for two years and infertility since 2018. In this article, we mainly discuss about how Chinese medicine takes a hand of infertility treatment. Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of regular intercourse without use of contraception in women less than 35 years of age; and after six months of regular intercourse without use of contraception in women 35 years and older. Various factors cause infertility, such as male factor, ovulatory dysfunction, tubal damage, endometriosis, coital problems, cervical factor and unexplained. After analyzing the problems of this patient, Spleen, Kidney and Liver zang fu are taken into account. Qi Zhi(Qi stagnation), Xue Yu(blood stasis), Shen Xu(kidney vacuity) are adjusted and the condition of the menstrual cycle and ovarian function is improved. The patient successfully conceived by four times intervention and under modifying kidney vacuity, dispersing phlegm and coursing depression and rectifying Qi treatment. The course is from September 6, 2018 to January 04, 2019. We demonstrated the experience in this case report for clinical reference and application.


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