  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience of Using Recovery Theory to Improve the Patient Having Self-Harm Behavior




復元 自傷 思覺失調症


The paper aims to describe the experience of a patient who has suffered from a long-term auditory hallucination and delusion symptoms. The patient had symptoms of cursing his parents because of being controlled by delusion, and it later resulted in his guilt feeling and self-harm behavior. The patient then underwent a process of nursing assessments which were observed and interviewed by the researcher, and were identified three major nursing problems: sensory integrated dysfunction, , altered thought processes and ineffective coping with matters. We gave the patient a nursing care plan based on the Recovery Theory whose application helps the patient regain confidence and enhance self-managerial ability. By providing with using the positive thinking of Recovery Theory on the patient, we helped him understand through attending psychodrama groups where he was not alone while fighting with the disease. In addition, in the nursing process, we have tried to help reduce the patient’s guilt feeling without hurting himself. In order able to establish a therapeutic relation, we have also adopted caring and positive attitude of Recovery Theory to assist the patient in redefining the meaning of illness, improving the skill of dealing with psychiatric symptoms, enhancing better social interaction, and increasing psychological well-being. Meanwhile, with family support, the patient has successfully returned home and society.


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