  • 期刊


Exploring the Relations of Perceived Dignity, Self-stigma and Depressive Symptoms among Patients having Chronic Schizophrenia


本研究為探討思覺失調症病患之自我烙印、尊嚴覺知與憂鬱症狀之關係。以北部某精神專科教學醫院之日間留院、復健病房之思覺失調症病患為對象,以結構式問卷進行資料收集,共166位參與研究。研究工具包含基本屬性、精神疾病汙名感受量表、尊嚴覺知量表與貝克憂鬱量表-II版,IBM SPSS 20.0版統計軟體使用,描述性統計與t test、卡方檢定,以及邏輯斯迴歸等推論性統計分析資料。結果顯示:1. 發病年數、自我烙印、尊嚴覺知與憂鬱症狀相關性呈現顯著性;2. 在控制6個基本屬性的影響下,自我烙印(OR= 1.052, p < .001)與尊嚴覺知(OR = .945, p <.001)為憂鬱症狀的重要預測因子。結論:降低思覺失調症病患的自我烙印,以及提升他們的尊嚴覺知,能減少病患憂鬱症狀,精神衛生專業人員可以運用此兩項介入措施於臨床實務。


The aim of this study was to explore the relations of self-stigma, perceived dignity and depressive symptoms to patients having schizophrenia. A total of 166 participants suffering from schizophrenia were recruited from four psychiatric rehabilitation units in northern Taiwan. The demographic data, the perceived psychiatric stigma scale (PPSS), Perceived Dignity Inventory and the Beck Depression Inventory II were used to evaluate the participants. IBM SPSS 20.0 was employed to analyze data, including descriptive statistics, t test, Chi-square test and multiple logistic regressions. Comparing with the participants who have no depressive symptoms, those having depressive symptoms showed higher self-stigma, lower perceived dignity and duration of disease (all p < .05). Multiple logistic regressions analysis with six controlled covariates indicated that self-stigma (OR = 1.052, p < .001) and perceived stigma (OR = .945, p < .001) remained significantly associated with depressive symptoms. This study provides evidence for the role of perceived dignity and self-stigma to patients suffering from schizophrenia. A designed intervention of promoting dignity and decreasing self-stigma should be considered when patients suffer from depression.


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