  • 期刊


Editorial Remarks: Recovery, Like Seeing the Sunshine of Cloudy Day


剛剛看了幾集《烏陰天的好日子》,是由曾經擔任精神科護理師的黃靜瑱所編劇,深深感受到助人者與患者同樣身處於人生艱難時刻的煎熬,同樣為人,同樣都會有難以突破的悲苦,助人者的身心健康的確不容忽視。本期「探討消防人員職家衝突、社會支持與身心健康之關係」之研究,發現近一半消防人員有身心健康狀況不良的問題,以三段五級之健康促進概念來看精神衛生護理角色,運用「初級預防」關注處於高風險助人者之身心健康,促進其職家平衡及壓力適應,不也正是我們未來可更多拓展的角色功能?復元,已成為我們現代精神衛生護理努力追求的目標,本期另一篇研究「探討思覺失調症住院病人之復元程度及相關因素」,發現病人的自信/希望與求助意願是決定其復元的關鍵因素,建議精神衛生護理人員可藉由協助病人因應症狀、增進其自信與賦能、強化其社會功能及希望感,進而邁向復元。讓我們「以病友為師」,聽聽患有思覺失調症多年的復元大師Patricia Deegan博士的分享:「復元不會憑空發生,復元也不僅是吞下藥丸,復元不僅是靠藥物帶來生物化學改變,而是改變生命。」我想,復元,猶如看見烏陰天裡的一抹陽光,預示著--天即將放晴!雖然人生總有烏陰天,讓我們陪著病友們一起看到烏陰天裡的那抹陽光!本期尚有兩篇個案報告,分別闡述其運用「自我效能」、「認知行為治療」於憂鬱症及強迫症患者的護理經驗,以及「運用組合式照護降低精神科急性病房住院病人跌倒發生率及傷害」的專案,在在讓我們見識到精神衛生護理角色的獨特功能。最後,為響應全球環保運動,明年起精神衛生護理雜誌將正式進入電子化發行,未來將不再寄送紙本期刊,敬請各位拭目以待!




After having watched the movie "Light of Cloudy Day", I was moved by the story written by the psychiatric nurse Ms. Huang, J-T, who had the same suffering experiences as a care provider as her patients did. As a human being, we all have the similar unbearable difficulties in daily life. Therefore, it's worthy noticing the care providers' physical and psychological health. In this issue, a research titled as "An exploration of the conflicts from work and family, and their correlation between social support and physical-mental health" found that almost half of the firefighters had poor physical and mental health. Based on the three-level of health promotion and disease prevention theory, the role of psychiatric mental health nursing could be expanded. We could address on the primary prevention to assist those vulnerable care providers at high-risk, and to help improve their work-family conflicts as well as to cope with all kinds of stress. Nowadays, recovery has been the ultimate goal for psychiatric health nurses to pursuit to achieve purposely. Another research, titled as "The exploration of the influencing factors in recovery for inpatients with schizophrenia", found that patients' self-confidence/ sense of hope and willingness of seeking help were the major recovery-affecting factors. The aforementioned result suggested that psychiatric mental health nurses could help enhance patients' self-management, confidence, empowerment, and help improve their social functions to form optimism in the future and to accelerate the progress of recovery. Let's regard patients as educators, and learn from Dr. Patricia Deegan's recovery experience after being diagnosed of having schizophrenia: "Recovery can't be formed around a vacuum! Swallowing pills does not mean recovery. Recovery is not only changing our bio-chemistry, but changing our lives." Recovery, from my perspective, it's just like seeing the sunlight of cloudy days. That implies a sunny day is going to come very soon. Even though there are sometimes cloudy days in our lives, we can accompany with our patient pals to see the sunlight of cloudy days. In addition, the uniqueness of psychiatric health nursing profession are elaborated by two research papers in this issue that suggest separately to apply self-efficacy and cognitive-behavior therapy on patients who have depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder, and adopt the clinical project of utilizing bundle care to decrease the inpatients' fall rates and related injuries in acute psychiatric wards. Finally, in response to the global environmental campaign, our journal will be officially launched into the electronic distribution next year. That is, we will no longer send printed journals in the near future. Let's wait and see.


