  • 期刊


Experiences and Meaning of the Action of Home Health Nurses Caring for Patients With Mild and Moderate Dementia




Background: Providing care to patients with dementia at home involves a substantial workload. Home health nurses play a crucial role in sharing this load. Investigations into the experiences of home health nurses and their meaning of action can improve the quality of home care received by patients. Objective: To explore the experiences of home health nurses caring for patients with mild and moderate dementia and the meaning of the care actions undertaken by the nurses. Methods: A descriptive qualitative research design was adopted in combination with purposive sampling to recruit 20 home health nurses with at least 2 years of experience in caring for patients with mild and moderate dementia. Among the nurses, 15 participants were in-depth interviewed individually using semi-structured interview guide, and the remaining participants partook in a focus-group interview. The collected data were analyzed using the method of content analysis. Results: Four main themes were compiled according to the experiences of the participants, namely (1) daily routines of overcoming difficulties and planning traffic flow at home; (2) collaborators for keeping physiological monitoring records and tracking health conditions; (3) delay of disease progression and care for activities of daily living through active emotional support; and (4) inheritance of experiences in maintaining home environment safety. Conclusion and practical implications: This study revealed four highlights regarding the meaning of the action of home health nurses. It illustrated the job attributes of home health nurses, clarified their meaning of action, and provided a reference for nurses and caregivers of patients receiving home care.


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