  • 期刊


Improving the Emergency Management Competency of Nurses on an Acute Psychiatric Ward




Although nurses are rarely the first responders in medical emergency situations, they are often the first health-care professionals to handle such situations; hence, their first-aid-handling skills must be improved. In 2019, three unexpected cases in which first aid was required revealed our nurses' suboptimal judgment and inexperience in providing first aid care; therefore, we implemented a project to improve the first-aid-handling skills of our nurses. Our investigation unveiled several problems, including the disorganization of first aid items, lack of clarity in identifying these items, and unavailability of comparison pictures to facilitate identification. Furthermore, the nurses lacked knowledge about the proper use of first aid items, received insufficient first-aid-related situational simulation and teamwork training, and had not been assigned roles and responsibilities for first aid drills. To address the aforementioned problems, the following solutions were proposed: generating pictures to facilitate the identification of first aid items, revising the checklist for emergency vehicles, organizing situational simulation training, ensuring proper division of first aid roles and responsibilities and effective management of team resources, and creating videos for first aid education. The implementation of the aforementioned measures improved the accuracy of first aid care (from 52.19% to 90.94%) and the nurses' familiarity with the first aid process (from 56.25% to 90.63%). Notably, 100% of first aid items were correctly identified by the nurses after the intervention. These findings indicate improvements in our nurses' first-aid-handling skills. A situational simulation-based approach to first aid education and team resource management should be adopted at clinical settings with traditional education or no first aid experience.


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