  • 期刊

Listening as a Way of Being: Non-Dichotomous Music Listening in the Chinese Classic Yue Ji



Listening in a non-dichotomous mentality, in which music is heard as connected and intertwined with one’s physical and psychological experience, has been explored by many ethnomusicologists in their fieldwork, particularly in studies about trance and possession. A more encompassing mode of non-dichotomous listening has been well explored in Chinese musical classics, in which music is heard as connected not only with one’s psychosomatic reality, but also with his/her social relationships, state governance, and the natural environment. This study focuses on one of the most important early treatises, the Yue Ji (Records of Music), and explores how a non-dichotomous mentality is manifested in the intertwined connection among music, the listener’s psychosomatic experience, his/her social relationships, state governance, and the natural/cosmic world. This non-dichotomous listening is linked to the idea of "mutual energization" indicated in various classical treatises, and is further explicated through the notion of "coordinative/associative thinking" proposed by Sinologist Joseph Needham.




音樂聆聽 樂記 非二元極化 感應 協調思維
