  • 期刊


A Study on "Bē Han Tsî" - the Beiguan Baizi Opera Performed by Chang Yuan Lu Xuan Group




Baizi opera is broadly defined as a drama performed in a dialect. It is not limited to any dialect or a specific genre. Since the Japanese colonial period, many scholarly investigations have pointed out that Baizi opera is directly associated with the Nanguan system operas, such as Liyuan opera, Jiujia opera, and Qizi opera, which are all sang and narrated in Minnan dialect. However, according to the literatures in Colonial Taiwan but rarely mentioned in scholarly investigations, Baizi operas are also referred to genres performed in guan hua (官話, official language or mandarin), such as Siping opera and Luantan opera. Furthermore, according to the experienced Luantan (Beiguan) performers, Luantan opera troupes used to perform Baizi operas regularly. In this context, Baizi operas refer to the spoken parts of opera narrated in dialects: while Luantan troupe uses Minnan dialect in spoken parts when presenting in the Minnan community and narrates them in the Hakka dialect when touring in the Hakka community. Therefore, from the cases mentioned above, there are two ways of defining Baizi operas: an opera that is both "sang" and "narrated" in the dialects; and an opera that is only "narrated" in dialects. Due to the lack of other musical examples, Nanguan Opera is so far the only instance of using dialects in singing and chanting parts of Baizi opera. "Bē Han Tsî" (T160), recorded by Chang Yuan Lu Xuan Group and produced by Columbia Records in 1933, can provide another instance of Luantan (Beiguan) opera using dialects in both singing and chanting parts of Baizi operas. By examing the historical music recording, this paper explores that "chanting" and "singing" parts of "Bē Han Tsî" are mainly performed in the Minnan dialect. The story of "Bē Han Tsî" can be traced back to the famous story "Beggar and whore" during Colonial Taiwan. Furthermore, it contains melodies from the three major musical systems of Beiguan, which are Fulu, Xinlu, and Bangziqiang. Those melodies are connected or arranged in series with Caiban, Erhuang, Bangziqiang, Sikongmen, Liushui, Jinban, Jinzhongman, and Pingban. The musical sound of "Bē Han Tsî" demonstrates Baizi opera's existence in Beiguan opera in addition to Nanguan opera, and it supplements our understandings of Baizi operas.
