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Nursing Experience of Weaning a Patient with Ludwig's Angina from Mechanical Ventilator.




Ludwig's angina is regarded as a rapidly spreading cellulitis involving the mouth floor, and the most severe complication was dyspnea due to the obstructed airway. This article described a nursing experience of caring a patient with Ludwig's angina and respiratory failure during weaning from ventilator. The nursing period was from April 8th, 2011 to May 20th, 2011. The author used Gordon 11 Functional Health Patterns Assessment as observation, writing, lip reading, physical assessment and chart review to identify the nursing problems. The nursing problems included ineffective airway clearance, impaired tissue integrity, insomnia and powerlessness. In addition to medical treatment, the author taught the patient the skills of coughing and provided appropriate physical therapy to alleviate sputum accumulation. The author not only provided neck wound care daily but was also assisted by dieticians to supply sufficient energy, protein and vitamin to promote wound healing. To solve the problem of sleep deficit, we investigated the cause of insomnia, and encouraged patient to exercise during the daytime. The author encouraged the patient to express his emotions and participate in self-care, at the same time, provided relevant information on the disease and offered phychological support with family, in order to reduce his feeling of powerlessness caused by prolonged mechanical ventilation. We hoped that this nursing experience could help to increase the chance of weaning of ventilator and serve as a reference for the clinical nursing staff in provision of care for similar patients.
