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The Study of Hope among Patients with Schizophrenic


背景:思覺失調症病人對自我疾病負向認知影響情緒適應,將影響疾病治療,因此了解其因應及適應狀況,強化希望感有助於增強病人內在力量及疾病穩定。目的:探討思覺失調症病人希望感影響因子,作為改善精神病人身心健康與疾病復原計畫之參考。方法:研究對象為中部某醫學中心精神科門診140位思覺失調症病人,採橫斷式描述性相關研究設計,以疾病症狀量表、疾病意義量表、自我控制量表、自尊量表及希望感量表五種研究工具進行測量。統計以SPSS17.0套裝軟體次數分配百分比、平均值、標準差、t檢定、ANOVA、Pearson correlation、Multiple regression進行統計分析。結果:(1)疾病症狀、自我控制的受限程度與希望感呈現中、低度負相關(r=-0.46,p<0.001;r=-0.19,p<0.05);(2)疾病意義、自尊與希望感呈現中度正相關(r=0.45,p<0.001;r=0.67,p<0.001);(3)疾病症狀p=0.021*及自尊p=<0.001**可作為預測思覺失調症病人希望感狀態。結論與建議:能正向接納自己的疾病且增進自我控制感與自尊以及疾病症狀改善,對希望感提升具有正面的意義。因此,建議精神科醫護人員能重視病患疾病感受、自尊、自我控制感等相關問題評估及護理應用,期待病人因希望感存在,能過著有目標具意義的生活。


Background: Negative cognition of one's own schizophrenia affects the patient's emotional adaptation and future treatment. Therefore, enhancing their adaptive ability and building the hope to increase their inner strength may stabilize the disorder. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the hope impact factor of patient with Schizophrenia, as a reference for improving the health of physical and mental, and illness recovery for the patients with mental illness. Methods: The study was a cross sectional, descriptive study. We recruited 140 patients of schizophrenia from the psychiatric clinics in a medical center of central Taiwan. We used 5 instruments including Psychological Behavior Scale (PBS), Constructed Meaning Scale (CMS), Sense of Control Scales(SCS), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), and The Hope Scale (THS). The data was analyzed by SPSS percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regressions. Results:(1) The psychological symptoms and behaviors were moderately negative correlation (r=-0.46, p<0.001) to the hope, and the perceived constraints of the sense of control were weakly negative correlation (r=-0.19, p<0.05) to the hope.(2) The meaning of the disorder (r=0.45, p<0.001) and the self-esteem (r=0.67, p<0.001) both showed moderately positive correlation with the hope.(3) The psychological symptoms and behaviors (p=0.021*) and the self-esteem (p=<0.001**) could be used to predict the level of hope in the patients of schizophrenia. Conclusions and Suggestions: In summary, improving the psychological symptoms and raising the self-esteem could increase the hope among the patients of schizophrenia. We suggested that the psychiatric staffs can implement the assessment of the hope among the patients. It may improve the psychological symptoms and increase their self-esteem. We expect that thereby the patients could have a purposeful and meaningful life.


schizophrenia cognitive adaption hope


衛生福利部﹕101 年度全民健康保險醫療統計年報。2014 年 8 月 10日取 自 http://www.-mohw.-gov.tw/cht/DOS/StatisticP.aspx?f_list_no=312&fod_list_no=2657&doc_no=13275
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