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Improving Medication Knowledge of Patients with Schizophrenia in an Acute Ward




Background and Purpose: Schizophrenia patient's medication knowledge, medication adherence with the re-hospitalization are closely related. Therefore, the project aims to promote the schizophrenia patient's medication knowledge rate in an acute psychiatric ward. Methods: The implementation of the project from 2012.08.01 to 2012.12.31. Analysis of the status of the problem was found to be lack of medication guidance medium, nurse lacks of knowledge of medications, Patient is disturbed by mental symptoms and not know the action of medication. To improve the patient's medication knowledge through the production of medication card, individual discharge medication handouts, make psychiatric handbook for common drugs, set up medication group and implement the token reward system. Results: Promote the nurse's medication knowledge score increased from 55.2 points to 90.6 points. The patient's medication knowledge score increased from 21.3 points 71.3 points. Re-hospitalization rate decreased from 48.5% to 45.9% in Six months. Conclusions: The project focused on the medication adherence issues induced by the medication deficiency of schizophrenia patients. Suggest through the medication guidance media to increase the patient's medication knowledge, And then by the token reward to increase medication motivation. Encourage patients to participate in medication therapy groups, to clarify the imprint on the disease and medication, and then decrease the re-hospitalization rate.


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藺秀慧、 郭鈺屏、 林靜蘭、 陳柏熹、 陳高欽:疾病管理團體於社區精神分裂症病患成效之前驅研究 2014;10(1):15-22。
Kao YC, Liu YP: Compliance and schizophrenia: the predictive potential of insight into illness, symptoms, and side effects. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2010;51(6) :557-565.
