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The Care Experience of a Terminal Patient Who Had Cervical Cancer




子宮頸癌 末期病人 無望感


The article was for a terminal patient who had cervical cancer with lung and peritoneal metastasis. The period of nursing was from October 24 to November 21, 2013. By using the observation, physical assessment, conversation, medical records reviewing and team discussion, we found that the patient and families health problems were pain, anticipatory grief, and hopelessness. In the process of the nursing, we used analgesics and non-drug complementary treatments, such as keeping comfortable position, massaging with essential oil, and listening to music to relieve pain. We encouraged the families to express their love, thanks, apology and farewell to the patient to be good dying, and resolved the health problem of anticipatory grief. Use of making life review, reorganized the patient's life experience and gave its meaning, and assisted the patient to accept their disease and arranged things before passing away to solve the patient's health problem of hopelessness. In the process, both the original medical team and the hospice care team worked hard to let the patient be good dying and their families be well being. We expected to improve the quality of end-of-life care.


行政院衛生署國民健康局:101年死因統計。 2013 年 6 月 1 日取自http://www.mohw.gov.tw/cht/DOS/Display-StatisticFile.aspx?d=13718&s
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