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A Nursing Experience of an Elderly Patient with Hip Fracture




This article is to describe the nursing experience of a 65-year-old female patient with left hip fractures caused by falling. The patient received surgical fixation with a sliding hip screw. The patient performed all activities of daily living independently before the fall occurred. After the incident, the patient reported inability to live independently due to pain and the impaired physical mobility after discharging. This case study was initiated by the author to further understand the patient's anxiety induced from the accident. The period of nursing care was from 28-Nov-2016 to 5-Dec-2016. The skills of interview, observation, and objective or subjective medical records collection were conducted during the nursing process. The patients reported pain, limitation in activity and exercise, and anxiety, evaluating by the Gordon 11 Functional Health Patterns. The nursing experience of the case focused on: instructing the patient to perform gentle massage, music listening for distraction, and applying ice packs to the hip for pain relief; developing the Individual Rehabilitation Plan collaborated with rehabilitation physicians and participating in the patient education for progressive rehabilitation; improving the compliance of the rehabilitation plan by increasing the patient's understanding through pictures and patient manual; encouraging the patient to verbalize feelings; encouraging the supports from family members; sharing experiences from the patient group; providing a comprehensive discharge instructions; alleviating patient's anxiety through the effect of religion. The author expected to provide a reference to the colleagues in the surgical department by this nursing experience case study.


hip fracture pain impaired physical mobility anxiety


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