  • 期刊


On Cultural Announcement of three-division China Unified by Jin Dynasty-Clashes between Southern and Northern Culture Originating in Zuo-Si 〈San-du-fu〉


魏晉南北朝有一極為特出的文化現象「南北文化之衝突與相爭」,即長江南北人士因地域、風俗或政權變遷等差異性而產生相互較勁與爭抑的意氣鬱結。而此釁端最完整的紀錄始見於西晉左思〈三都賦〉,故我們要瞭解中國歷來南北相互爭抑之鬱結所在;見此負面思維的歷史發展脈絡;從事對此歷史文化複雜面進行剖析及批判性思考,〈三都賦〉是極佳的考察進路。 寫作於三分歸晉前後的〈三都賦〉,全文散發著對於大一統願景的高度期許與北方中原本位文化的自我膨脹,並構集出一張假性的理想帝國圖景,也連帶凸顯北方人士挾著政治軍事的勝利,因而對於南方文化產生居高臨下的傲慢姿態,誤踩南北文化之爭的地雷。 左思沈浸於大一統的幻象之中,無法放寬歷史的視野,洞悉歷史分分合合的內在規律與長久發展的詭譎,進而體認到三國多政府時期對於地方的經濟開發及文化發展所帶來的複雜結構,乃至於欣喜痴迷地寫下充滿文化霸權的〈三都賦〉,造成北方人士對於南方風土民情的刻板印象,為爾後的南北文化衝突應該帶來相當程度的催化作用。 本文嘗試以嶄新的角度討論左思這篇一度造成洛陽紙貴的〈三都賦〉,在魏晉世變中的新定位。


西晉 南北文化之爭 左思 三都賦


There is a prominent feature of cultural phenomenon in the Wei-Jin period: clashes between southern and northern culture, and that are competences and controversies owing to region, folklore or transition of regime by personages living in the southern and northern districts of the Yangtze River, initially, originated from San-du-fu (三都賦) written by Zuo-Si (左思). The best approach, therefore, to grasp polemic of southern and northern china, to observe the negative contemplation of historical logic, to analyze complication and critical point of culture, is throughout San-du-fu (三都賦). San-du-fu (三都賦), had written around three-division china unified by Jin dynasty (晉), proclaiming highly expectation of unification and bragging about northern-center culture, showing false blue-print of empire, revealing northern culture's victory and its arrogant attitude toward southern culture, and enmities of southern people, at last, were the main cause to take conflicts between southern and northern culture after Jing dynasty. Zuo-Si (左思), the author of San-du-fu (三都賦), was under the illusion of unification, and he was unable to take a broad field of vision of the history, to see through connection and division of the history and its treacherous processes, to comprehend the complicated situation of exploitation of local-economic and cultural development in the period of three-division china. And he, moreover, ardently wrote San-du-fu (三都賦), filled with cultural hegemony, and having influence of original impression of southern culture over northern people, which was the catalyst for the collisions between southern and northern culture. This paper takes a brand-new viewpoint to debate San-du-fu (三都賦), highly valuable literature work at that time, and propounds its new orientation in the Wei-Jin period.


