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The Similarities of Confucius and Plato to Music Education


孔子與柏拉圖分別在東、西方哲學史上佔據重要的先導地位,二人的核心思想雖截然有別,但在有關於「音樂教育」的觀點上,卻略有可通之處。如,柏拉圖在他的理想國裡,主張音樂教育是最重要的教育,可以使人品格完善。孔子也極爲重視音樂教育,並以「成於樂」作爲人格修養的最高境界。同時他們二人都認爲:不是所有的音樂都符合善的標準。柏拉圖強調音樂要簡樸,避免奢華,因爲簡樸的音樂,可以使人產生美德;奢華的音樂,則會使人放縱。孔子也曾批評「鄭聲淫」,認爲音樂的形式及內容若不合乎禮的規範,就是淫樂。只有像《韶》這樣能呈現先王之德的音樂,才是盡善盡美的音樂。 柏拉圖與孔子提倡樂教,不僅是爲了陶鎔人格,達完善之境;更是爲了國家和諧這一個大宗旨。因爲音樂具有感化人心、移風易俗的功效,能使國治民和。是以本文將以柏拉圖的《理想國》與儒家樂論進行比較,探討東西方哲人如何看待音樂教育的價值。


音樂 教育 道德 情感 和諧


Confucius and Plato are both great philosophers in the ancient world. Their thoughts influenced future generations very huge. Although their times is different, not acquainted with each other. They did have some thought in common. At the west, the Plato is in his Utopia and laying claim to music education is the most important education, can make personal character space perfect. At the east, the Confucius also holds the same viewpoint. But both of them didn't consider that every type of music is suitable for the education. Only music of the melody simplicity would match the standard of morals. Because of the complicated melody will make human feelings indulgence. So Confucius criticized the music of Zheng (鄭) debauchery but highly praised the music of ”Shao” (韶), cause it presents ancient kingly virtue. Plato and Confucius value music education, not only for the sake of education personality, more for making nation harmonious. Because music education can increase people's yearning for a better life. In this article we will discuss about how did Plato and Confucius treat the value of music education.


Music Education Character Emotion Harmony
