  • 期刊


Exploring the Cause of the Features Sorrow and Solemnity of Du Fu's Seven-Character Octave: A Discussion Concerning the Example of the Eight Poems of "Autumn Association"




杜甫 七律 悲壯 秋興 對立


That the achievement of Du Fu's seven-character octave is outstandingly incomparable has almost become a common consensus of the scholars in this field. The core features of Du Fu's seven-character octave would be ”sorrow and solemnity”-a human's subjective will could not overcome the exterior and objective ”grand” fate, and thus ”sorrow comes”. And if one's will keeps resisting, that would not only cause the opposite reaction, but also deepen the ”sorrow”, forcing the heroic sense to come out in the end as well.The senses of ”sorrow and solemnity” in Du Fu's seven-character octave is obvious, the reason is that sorrow and solemnity must be produced through the conflict of two powers. The design of opposition is presented everywhere in the seven-character octave's meters-the tone pattern and the couplets are suitable to be used exactly for presenting the status of conflict and opposition. In addition, Du Fu's life experience seems to demonstrate a similar condition of opposition-he personally experienced the most prosperous period, the flourishing Kai-yuan Reign Period, and the weakest one, An Shi Rebellion. Therefore, Du Fu's senses and feelings of ”sorrow and solemnity” seem to be more substantial, natural and powerful.I would thus argue in this paper that the cause to form the features of Du Fu's seven-character octave ”sorrow and solemnity” is that Du Fu himself had possessed the strong feelings of powerful conflict. He had this kind of feeling most beautifully described in the literary form of seven-character octave, which is relatively suitable to express the condition of opposition. At the end of this paper, I would prove my argument with Du Fu's famous works-the eight poems of Autumn Association.


方瑜:〈困境與突圍──以杜甫〈同谷七歌〉與〈秋興八首〉中的春意象為例〉,《臺大文史哲學報》第69 期(2008 年11 月)。
方牧:〈論杜甫的七律〉,《浙江海洋學院學報》(人文科學版)第22 卷第1期(2005 年3 月)。
(唐)杜甫著,(清)仇兆鰲注:《杜詩詳注》(臺北:里仁書局,1980 年)。
(清)浦起龍:《讀杜心解》(北京:中華書局,2000 年)。
(清)沈德潛:《唐詩別裁集》(上海:上海古籍出版社,1979 年)。
