  • 期刊


Satisfaction and Business Strategy of Airport: A Case Study of Kaohsiung International Airport


隨者貿易自由化與全球化,以及經貿重心轉移,亞太地區航空客貨運量成長居全球之冠,各國無不積極進行機場擴建與設施改善,以提升競爭力。而國內航空市場在產業外移、國際燃油價格高漲及高速鐵路全面通車等因素影響下,已遭受前所未有之衝擊,而機場經營也愈形困難。高雄國際機場為南部地區主要出入國門,鄰近市區與高雄港區,且距東南亞較近具地理優勢,如何因應環境變化而訂定發展策略,爲機場管理者當務之急。 本研究以策略管理之概念,結合機場經營現況與競爭環境爲基礎,並綜合相關文獻、學者專家意見及高雄國際機場營運狀況,作為問卷設計之依據。針對高雄機場客運與貨運業者,進行機場服務屬性之「重要性」與「滿意度」調查,並探討未來客貨運最佳經營策略。研究結果顯示,客運發展策略應包括強化機場保安、設置航機導引系統、鼓勵航空公司開闢新航線;貨運發展策略則爲改善貨運站設備、進行貨運站改擴建、提升EDI傳輸之速率。俾供機場管理者參考。


In response to trade liberalization, globalization and the shift of economic and trade centers, air freight transport and passenger volumes of the Asia Pacific Area have surged rapidly. As each country is actively expanding/renovating their airports and improving facilities in order to enhance competitiveness, it has created a great challenge for our development of the Asia Pacific Air Transportation Center. Moreover, the domestic airline market has undergone unprecedented impacts due to industry migration, soaring international fuel price and the operation of the High Speed Railway. As a result, the management of the airport has become increasingly difficult. It is urgent then for airports to position themselves in the development and respond to the change of the environment in order to create a great management environment. As the only domestic and international airport in Taiwan and the main gateway for southern Taiwan, Kaohsiung International Airport enjoys the geographical advantages of being near downtown Kaohsiung and Kaohsiung Harbor and is a short distance to Southeastern Asia. How to grasp opportunities, maintaining existing competitiveness and expanding the scope of service are important topics for investigation. Based on theoretical concepts of strategy management, airport management and competitive environment analysis, this study integrates relevant literature reviews, opinions from scholars and experts and the current operation of Kaohsiung International Airport as the background for questionnaire design. Data analysis is conducted through statistical software and the results of this study serve as a reference to plan the Kaohsiung International Airport management strategy and also make conclusion ns and suggestions. This study aims to survey the degrees of ”importance” and ”satisfaction” on the service attributes from the perspectives of both the passengers and air freight users of the Kaohsiung International Airport and to investigate the future development and management strategies of passenger and airfreight services. The findings show that operators of different management types will have different demands of airport services and there is a significant difference between the ”importance” and ”satisfaction” of services provided by the Kaohsiung International Airport. The results can serve as a reference in the planning of management strategies and improvement of the competitiveness of Kaohsiung International Airport.


Airport Satisfaction Business strategy Airport users


