  • 期刊


Dynamic Simulations for Operation Mode of Oil Separator






The main source for the pollution of ships in marine environment includes oil spills of engines and valves, water leakages of pipes, human errors, and so on. For instance, the sea water is pressed into ballast tankers for navigational safety, the water is used to wash cargo tanks and oil tanks of oil tankers, and the loading and oil spill for loading and unloading accidents.In order to implement MARPOL 1973, the Protocol or MARPOL 73/78 Convention had been taken effect from October 2, 1983. The sewage of cabin should be treated to satisfy the international standard prior to discharging oily wastewater into the sea.If the starting and operating procedures of oil-water separator can be shown in dynamic simulation, the real operation in this device can be reduced. All operating processes and actual operations in loading and unloading are the same as real oil-water separator. The correct procedures of starting and stopping oil-water separator can be learned from the learning of dynamic simulation. Any errors in software operation will not affect and break down the computer program. However, wrong operation is not allowed in actual operation in oil-water separator. Learning project and teaching purpose can be reached by dynamic operation in this learning for error process. This cannot be achieved by real oil-water separator teaching.


Visual Basic DirectX Dynamic Simulation
