  • 期刊


Temporary BK Prosthesis Fitting and Training for Children with "Congenital Constriction Band Syndrome"-Three Cases Study


“先天帶狀緊縮症候群”(congenital constriction band syndrome) 簡稱CCBS,是由於早期羊膜破裂所造成之幼童肢體障礙,將影響到幼童的手部精細動作及粗大動作的發展。 本篇將回顧CCBS相關文獻並介紹治療師如何針對三個案例的不同肢體萎縮的情形,配合孩子整體的發展設計適合之義肢及提供義肢訓練來促進其整體發展。 早期給予暫時性義肢有其需要性,不但可以減少對日後裝配義肢之排斥心理,且對其義肢訓練也有較良好的表現。此外因幼童生長速度較快,職能治療師可利用常用之低溫成型塑材,製作暫時性義肢以利修改、調整或更換。文中亦將詳細說明義肢製作過程以作為臨床上參考依據。


Congenital constriction band syndrome (CCBS) is a group of infantile limbs defects that caused by compression of amniotic wreckages. Those clinical defects have vast varieties and could have direct impact on child development of fine and/or gross motor ability. This report will review several references for the etiology and clinical presentation of congenital constriction band syndrome. We also presented three cases that suffered from different patterns of limb defects. Low temperature temporary prostheses were designed respectively for each child at infantile stage. Rehabilitation training programs were provided for prosthesis usage and facilitation of normal development. Early application of prostheses for congenital amputated infants is indicated to enhance body image development and decrease psychological rejection of prosthesis. Due to the rapid growth of children, using low temperature thermoplastics as the materials of prostheses is preferred. Because it is easily to fit and cheaper. The details of the temporary prostheses fitting were also presented for each case as clinical reference.
