  • 期刊


Applying Model of Human Occupation to a Chronic Schizophrenic Client


人類職能指的是在時間的潮流中,及在物理或社會環境中所從事的工作、休閒及日常生活的活動。人類職能模式(MOHO)為一個建構職能概念的模式,所注重的是:(1)了解個案如何被啟動及選擇去做生活中的事-意志成份(2)個案目前執行每日生活的模式-習慣成份(3)個案做事時,他們顯示的獨特表現能力-表現成份。 本文以MOHO為參考架構,設計-慢性精神分裂個案的評估與介入。此個案有生理抱怨多、出席不規則、病識感差、對家人過度干擾、一心想出院的情形。因此我們將在意志次系統中,修正個人想法來改善病識感及建立符合現實之價值觀;在習慣次系統中,建立較合宜的角色及習慣;並嘗試解決表現次系統中的生理問題。本文嘗試以一治療性推理的過程來說明如何去了解個案及發展治療計劃。


Human occupation refers to the doing of work, play, or activities of daily living within a temporal, physical, and sociocultural context that characterizes much of human life. Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) is a model that constructs the important concepts of occupation. The first concern of MOHO is to understand how persons are motivated toward and choose to do the things that fill their lives (volition component). The second phenomenon addressed by MOHO is the recurrent pattern of doing that makes up everyday life (habituation component). The third phenomenon addressed by MOHO is that when human beings do things, they exhibit an extraordinary range of capacity for performance (performance component). This article used the MOHO as a framework to analyze a chronic schizophrenic client. The client showed physical complaints, irregular attendance, and poor insight, and only desired to be discharged. We reformed personal thoughts to improve insight and structure value which correspond with reality in the volition subsystem. We built up a suitable role and the habit for the patient in the habit subsystem, and tried to solve the physical problems of performance subsystem. The article identified a therapeutic reasoning process, whereby the therapist used the theory to understand the client and to develop a treatment plan with the client.
