  • 期刊


Comparison of Occupational Therapy Education between Taiwan and US


本專題的目的在探討台灣與美國職能治療專業教育的異同,將比較台灣的成功大學(National Cheng Kung University, NCKU)與美國的雪蘭多大學(Shenandoah University, SU)職能治療學系的招生對象與課程進行。希望藉由成功大學與雪蘭多大學職能治療系師生的主題報告與小組討論,與成大學生事後的焦點團體,瞭解台、美職能治療專業養成教育在制度面與實務面的異同,藉此反思台灣職能治療教育,並進一步融入職能治療教育的在地觀與國際觀。


The purpose of this paper was to compare the professional education of occupational therapy (OT) between Taiwan and US programs. Student recruitment and course design were compared between National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Taiwan and Shenandoah University (SU) in US, along with professional licensure between Taiwan and US. Through the presentation and discussion in joint class seminars among the two schools, as well as the opinions given in a focus group of NCKU students, we gained more understanding of the similarities and differences of OT education in Taiwan and US. This understanding further provides insight into OT curriculum design in Taiwan and enhances the global awareness of OT education.
