  • 期刊


Investigation of Stroke Patients' Self-reported Needs for Occupational Therapy and Their Satisfaction of Occupational Therapy


治療師若不瞭解個案對於職能治療(occupational therapy,OT)之需求與滿意度,將降低醫病溝通之效率,進而影響個案之治療參與度與OT成效。本研究欲探究接受OT之中風個案自陳的OT需求,以及個案對於OT服務之滿意程度。施測者以「中風病人主觀疾病經驗篩檢量表」進行一對一訪談。受訪者由問卷所列之14項OT服務中,挑選至多三項自覺最需要之服務並依重要性排序,最後針對上述一至三項服務表示其滿意程度。34位中風個案參與研究。個案自陳OT需求程度最高之前三者為「動作功能訓練」、「提供可在家做的復健活動」與「教導個案生活自理」。個案滿意度最高之三項OT服務為「動作功能訓練」、「提供可在家做的復健活動」與「教導個案生活自理」;而需求未獲滿足程度前四高者為「協助申請相關的補助及證明」、「提供輔具選購的建議」、「提供居家環境調整的建議」與「感覺功能訓練」。中風病人自陳最需要之OT服務中,個案多表示滿意,但個案對於部分服務之需求未獲滿足。我們建議臨床人員擬訂介入計畫時,應瞭解個案於對於OT服務之認識程度及自陳需求,藉此提供個別化之服務,以期增進個案之功能恢復。由於本研究僅調查持續接受OT者,所得治療滿意度結果可能高估,未來研究宜同時考量未持續接受OT之中風個案的滿意度。


中風 自陳需求 滿意度


Clinicians' lack of understanding of the needs for occupational therapy (OT) and the satisfaction of OT in patients with stroke may decrease the efficiency of communication between therapists and patients, thereby reducing the patients treatment participation and OT efficacy. This study aimed to investigate the self-reported needs and satisfaction of OT in patients with stroke. The raters conducted one-on-one interviews using the ”Subjective Illness Experience Screening Measure for Patients with Stroke”. Out of the 14 items on the list, the participants chose up to three OT services, which they felt that they needed the most, ranked the needs by the order of importance and then expressed their satisfaction for these needs. Thirty-four patients participated in this study. The results showed that the three most needed OT services patients reported were motor training, home program education and self-care training. The three OT services with the highest level of satisfaction were the same as above. The four OT services with the lowest level of satisfaction were assistance in applying for allowance or certificate, recommendations for assistive devices and home modification and sensory training. Stroke patients were mostly satisfied with the three most important needs, but some of the OT needs were unmet. We recommend that therapists should be aware of patients self-reported needs and knowledge of OT services while planning treatment, in order to provide individualized services and enhance patients' functional recovery.


Stoke Self-reported needs Satisfaction


