  • 期刊


The Attitudes of Hospital Staff towards Mental Illness at Regional Teaching Hospitals in Southern Taiwan


目的:本研究目的主要瞭解醫院員工對精神科病患之看法及影響因素,讓員工有機會認識與了解精神病患。方法:使用問卷調查以及SPSS 20統計軟體作因素分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析了解行政人員和專業人員組間精神疾病態度之差異。結果:(1)院內員工均認為精神病患若接受治療能穩定病情且回歸社區生活,具基本人權;(2)專業人員關注於精神病患的治療與回歸社區生活;而一般行政人員關注於精神病患的致病原因,此結果能運用於院內員工教育訓練之參考。結論:醫療院所之員工,無論是行政或專業人員對於精神疾病的致病原因和治療仍不甚瞭解,對於精神病患回歸社區生活抱持保守的態度,院內應定期舉辦員工在職訓練、心理健康活動和設立精神復健工作坊,使院內員工能認識精神疾病及接觸精神病患。


Purpose: The negative perception of mental illness is caused by medical treatment of sources of stress, often affect the patient’s refuses for medical treatment, the main purpose of this study to understand the patient’s psychiatric hospital staff’s attitudes and factors. Method: A questionnaire survey and the SPSS Statistics 20.0 software was adopted for factor analysis, t-testing, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to elucidate the differences between members of the administration group and those of the professional group. Results: (1)Hospital employees are considered mentally ill after receiving treatment to stabilize the condition can return to community life and basic human rights; (2) Professionals focused on the treatment of mental illness and a return to the views of the community; and administrative staff is concerned causes for mental illness, the hospital can provide reference design serving staff education and training programs. Conclusion: The medical teaching hospital should regularly arrange in-service training, mental health activities, and training for working with psychiatric patients, thereby aiding staff in better understand mental illness.


