  • 期刊


Potential negative effects of incorporating a grid-based Mindtool into digital game-based learning- Lessons learned from an application in a Chemistry course




Researchers have pointed out the potential of educational computer games in improving students' learning performances and learning perceptions. For this study, a collaborative game-based learning approach with a grid-based Mindtool was developed. To evaluate the effectiveness of this approach, an experiment has been conducted in a junior high school science course. The participants were from two eighth grade classes. One class with 29 students was assigned to be the experimental group, while the other class with 25 students was the control group. The learning content was "knowing the elements" unit of the natural science course. The experimental results revealed that this approach increased the students' cognitive load and decreased their group efficacy; moreover, the learning achievements of the two groups were not significantly different. Based on these findings, an in-depth discussion was conducted.


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